Blue Jelly
Postponed due to COVID. Coming in 2022.
Blue Jelly excerpt
Seven Seconds
The Doctor Jee walks in addressing the audience as if a lecture. A hypnotic and pulsing video loop is projected. Doctor Jee looks everyone over closely taking in the moment as a few other performers casually walk in and take a seat along the sides and the back. Some are attentive, others staring motionless or occasionally reacting to certain words spoken by Doctor Jee.
Doctor Jee
Sensory input is an endless loop.
Look around you. Quickly, take everything in.
Lights out. In darkness.
In the dark
There is seven seconds of delay…One, two, three, four, five, six, seven…then erasure.
Lights up.
In those seven seconds your brain edits and only key features remain. Features that are important to you.
We live in different realities.
Sometimes, there’s a glitch.
A déjà vu effect.
The overwhelming sensation of the “now” that, wait a minute…(looking around) what the fuck I’ve been here, felt this, before sensation.
Why? How? Memory is already stored; you just don’t know it’s stored. Yes, you were there, here, you just don’t remember.
The world as we know it is not how we “think” we know it.
Words, thoughts, gestures, movements, situations are simply navigating a preexisting world.
Déjà vu…is a glitch.
Everything is not happening everything has happened.
This is Déjà vu all the time.
Video sketches and preparatory explorations anticipating the upcoming performance.
Postponed due to COVID. Now 2022.
Characters that emerge from the Blue Jelly : mask experiments