Bull Game
Bull Game promises to be the troupes most intrinsically "Dallas" shows yet. As with much of DWZ's work, the immersive aspect forces audiences to examine their own value systems.
American Theatre Magazine
A primordial ritual, the Bull Game depicts Western culture’s regression into atavism as it finds catharsis in violence. Despite the hosts’ attempts to elevate the competition to the level of religious ceremony, the game remains a celebration of ego where points are not awarded for scoring but, instead, are based on how well contestants showboat and belittle each other. The game taps into a deep-seated aspect of the human condition and succeeds in creating an event that speaks to our underlying fears. In the Bull Game, one gains nobility only through violence. In myth, heroes are forced to violence because of their nobility. This is a world where mythology has gone wrong and turned into nightmare disconnected from the collective moral consciousness that imbued bloodshed with virtue.
Theatre Jones
Bold and intelligent. Bull Game linked the contagious quality of anger, the prodigious enthusiasm of Dallas sports fans, and polytheistic rites of sacrifice and fecundity.
Glasstire, Texas
Continuous Bull Game Installation Video